Dad was a delivery driver for almost 35 years before UPS and Fedx got into the game. He’d been attacked twice by dogs. One a German Shepherd that jump through a closed screen door and hit pop in his chest. Dad got the package in front of his neck and face, but took some good bites on his forearms.

The dogs owner came out, yelling bad dog! Put the dog inside, took the package from dad without so much of a sorry or are you alright? Different times back in the early 70’s.

The other dog attack was a mixed Lab breed, tried to nail pop when he was getting back into his package delivery truck. Pop, got ahold of that dog and strangled it do death against the bumper of his truck.

The second attack happened after the German Shepherd ordeal. Dad was obviously operating on a new set of rules of engagement…fûck around and find out’.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”