Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Since seeing the Orthopedic doc. on the 6th of this month and getting the TKR news, dietary recommendations, etc. my life/health has undergone a change I never thought possible… COPD (bronchitis) is virtually gone… along with the inhaler the doc prescribed, I started spraying a OTC nasal spray up my nose, waiting a half hour, then flushing my sinuses with a concoction of salt/baking soda and warm water…also started taking vitamins and increased my protein intake…since I’ve regained the use of my right knee, I’ve been catching up on things that got put on the back burner and doing a lot of extra walking… the only negative thing has been sore calf muscles. This morning my blood pressure was 112/63… I feel more like 40 instead of 70.

A metamorphosis that’ll add many - quality - years to your life.

Well done, MfM.