Originally Posted by Condition Yellow
I know hunting shows are not all that popular here, and I seldom watch them. The whooping, high fives, and hard rock music ruin any possible redemptive qualities. Having said that, what’s with all the archery hunting shows? Is bow hunting really that popular compared to rifles?

As with most things, follow the money. Archery seasons are long, providing plenty of time for creating content. Archers buy a lot of doodads, made by companies that fork over a lot of cash to sponsor shows that feature them, overtly or covertly. Even more so than with rifles and cartridges, there seems to be a constant flow of new technology, real or just promoted, in bows, broadheads, shafting, scent control, stands, yadayadayada, to keep the troops buying in hopes of gaining an edge. The majority of rifle hunters are not Loonys, and buy less stuff in general than archers, and are also more likely to wait until just before the season to check their guns, buy some grub and maybe new socks, and go hunting.

Since I don’t have cable, the shows I watch are limited to ones on YouTube. If memory serves (!), those shows are much less likely to feature celebrities, long drawn-out story build-ups, and other “entertainment” than the cable shows, and also more likely to teach me something, even if it’s just deer behavior.

What fresh Hell is this?