Where I live you can start bowhunting on September 27th and it goes through January 31st and you can hunt every day of the week. Rifle and smoke pole gives you about 5 weeks total beginning the third Saturday in November. It is a no brainer if you want to make the most of your allowable time in the field. I like to hunt and will take it however I can get it. I have been shooting a bow since 1976 and guns before that. What I have come to dislike over all those years from some not all hunters I have met is how they need to inform you of how superior they are because they only use (enter your favorite primitive weapon here). I've taken enough game with each weapon I like to hunt with to understand that each one makes me just as happy at the end of the day. Last years bow buck was taken at 31 yards , last years rifle buck was taken directly under my feet literally straight down. Whether I'm backpacking or flying in for a 2-3 week stay in the bush or I'm walking in from the truck I'm just happy to be hunting and really don't care what the weapon of the day is. Hope you guys enjoy your time out there too and good luck.

I Kill Things......deal with it..