Plenty of turkey broods in the east-central part of Minnesota. I get around from the Cities to Duluth and see at least a couple every day. I chased up one brood of about a dozen from the yard at the cabin when I went to mow the trails. Just yesterday I ran across three groups of combined broods numbering from about 15 to more than 30. Bachelor groups are regularly seen running around 10 birds in each group.

I lost two nests to predators, likely raccoons, this spring. I haven't seen any signs of a raccoon taking a turkey but I have seen two instances over the last 30 years where an otter tried. Neither time was the otter successful but there were a lot of feathers. Around here, fox seem to be the real problem where it comes to predation of turkeys. Find a fox den and one will find the remains of a fair number of ground nesting birds. One will find far fewer signs of bird predation around a coyote den but one will find fox remains (and cat too).