Dated a couple.

One young lady whose father was a doctor had set up funds for each of his kids. Investment accounts that provided her an income without ever getting out of bed. Good gal. Hard worker. All her expenses were covered. College and post grad expenses all paid for. No idea how much she had or got monthly. Don't think it was multiple 5-figures. Guessing 30 years ago it was $5k a month.

Another girl I dated in college was similar situation. Her father owned some manufacturing and then died fairly young. Between the holdings and the life insurance, she was set. Everything paid for and money every month. Essentially whenever she wanted it. Another really cute nice girl that really liked me a lot. I was too busy chasing one that wasn't attainable.

Dated another nice young lady in grad school. Father owned one of the large interior ranches in southern BC and was very wealthy. He was also involved in various industries and sat on boards in Vancouver. Wealthy family. All expenses, school etc paid for. Set for life now with a nice monthly stipend.

Ended up dating and marrying a young lady with a net negative worth in debt up to her bum. But it worked out alright in the end.

Montana MOFO