Originally Posted by hillestadj
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by killerv
Got this guy in his early 40s I run into a couple times a week. Was adopted by some rich folks when he was younger. He gets whatever he wants. He was given 400k just as a graduation present. All bills are taken care of etc, only thing he buys is alcohol...starts drinking about 3pm and doesnt stop til sometimes 3am. Wife has been putting up with it because of the money involved, she likes her country club lifestyle plus I think she's just waiting on him to kick the bucket due to his large life insurance policies. Been dropping 12k for a month long summer camp for his daughter every year. Honestly, its probably a good break for her to not be around him. Joker cries broke all the time, wants you to think he's poor. One month he said his bartab at the country club was 1400.

I have a new friend who was drinking $15,000 per month. One day when sober he realize that.

He left his friends and the area and started a little gun business.

$500 a day huh? Whats his poison? Nose beers?

Nose beers LOL, walk around looking like you tilted up a frosty mug and got some on your nose. Schitt'll keep an ole hand up all night

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.