We just got a new 4 year contract at work, starting 10/1 any
new hires will only be offered single coverage health care.

No spouse or family coverage.

Employees, is your employer doing something similar?
How do you go about insuring your family?

We have been in the situation of not being able to absorb the
high family rate when I worked a different job.
Wife and I each had single policies, had the kids on the Chip program
insurance. We had enough income that we paid the full amount to
insure them, and they ended up on two different policies.
4 people 2 companies, 4 different policies. Goat sex central!

This deal really pissed me off, always thought the difference in pricing
showed business as worried about keeping the Mule pulling, but no
concern for their (families?) welfare.

This, pulls back the shroud and proves it.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!