Blackjack and Sweetheart had a porno theater going on in the backyard years ago.
We had 3 litters of pups over a 2 yr timeline.
The 3 girls were all in grade school staggered out.
We had 21 total.
So it was kinda cool having the pups and the kids playing with em.

Kept the last one, Rico.
Boy... him and his dad Blackjack would go at it sometimes.
Sweetheart wouldnt take schit from either one.
They all knew not to punch Cookies buttons.
Between me and Khanarella at work we got homes for all of them.
Next door neighbor has a dog named lucy.
Lots of resemblance to sweetheart.
Think it is one of the descendants of our pups.

Hell Cookie was Railing Sweetheart in the backyard tag teaming off of Blackjack.
And Cookie was neutered.

All 3 of my daughters have dogs.

Thanksgiving and xmas at times over the years.
We have had all 7 here.
They all get along but their are individual likes and dislikes between them all.

The funniest one now is the youngest ones dog baby huey Baylor
And the middle ones border collie Hope.

Baylor 117 pds
Hope 35 pds

Hope will stand up to him inside the house when he wants to play
Outside they will play together and chase each around in who can outdo who.0

Doggie dynamics..
