Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Originally Posted by ribka
Why is the US so hated in the world?

We’re hated??? By who??? The 2 million + immigrants we’ve had pour over the southern border this year alone???

Is there another country this is happening to?

I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and realize this is the greatest and most equitable country in the history of mankind…and that’s with all our faults…

Of course you would think the US is great under Biden. Typical idiot

People come to the US because they can make more money
Get free healthcare ( Americans have to pay) free housing free food free education and they don’t even to pay taxes
They never have to learn English or assimilate into our culture

America has an open border it shares with a dangerous third world schit hole. What other first world country shares an open border with a third world dump?

Doubt you could even find Europe or Ukraine on a map. Lol

How much time have you spent overseas outside of your broke double wide? Lol.
Don't forget all the Muslims pouring into Europe, cause, you know, they love that European lifestyle.