Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
I doubt that any of us waited until marriage. The concept of virginity until marriage or at minimum some level of self control isn’t a bad one.

We all want sex. Most of us have a lot of it before marriage because we want it. There’s more pitfalls to sleeping around before a committed relationship, STD’s, used and jaded woman, unplanned pregnancy’s and broken homes than there are any advantages.

Most of us do it. It isn’t the high water mark for a society or culture and religious or societal norms that minimize it are nearly always good for a society Vs. One that encourages it.


I want better for my kids than I had.

Marriage isn’t merely a religious rite (tho it can be that) it is the foundational relationship that holds together the building block of healthy societies, namely the family.

Just because I made the mistake of doing things I ought not have done doesn’t mean I shrug it off and say “oh well son I had my fun you go have yours”. In fact it’s means I’m all the more passionate in training my children to be self controlled, modest, and to live in this world in such a way as to make it better for posterity.

The sexual revolution & feminism (really they’re the same thing) have eroded our society by allowing men to think with their dicks and women to expect that that’s all they’ll do. It’s ultimately just pure self centeredness.

If I could pick one choice in life to go back and do over it’d be to take the road less traveled. Maybe I’d make it maybe not. My eldest did and I’m sure their marriage will be better for it.

Can’t for the life of me imagine what harm can come from suggesting we delay gratification for the good of a future spouse.