Glockdoofus PM
Been a couple of days...
Jason I guess it just builds up to a point where you cant stand it and you have to do something you think will work or shut me down and stop harassing you.

Things I posted yesterday must have struck a nerve huh??
IE. childhood psychologist and happy pill stuff for your dysfunctional little 10 or 11yr old azz and how it affected your brain chemistry and development for the rest of your life.
Were you a petulant little child?
Did you throw tantrums to get your way?
Did you act out alot for attention?
Any attention was what you craved to make up for all your shortcomings compared to the normal kids I bet.

PM deleted unread about 30 seconds ago.
Ad nausem as usual...

Give it up Cardonas ...
I'm in your head 24/7 365.
I have fuuuked up so many of your sockpuppets on here how many times???
Isn't it time for your morning happy pills with your bowl of fruit loops???
This is the only attention from me your gonna get today, so you better ration it out slowly for yourself.
Maybe some others on here will give ya some attention today or maybe they wont.
