Originally Posted by Mule Deer
Dear Campfire:

I'd like to ask you guys a question. Recently it has come to RIFLE magazine's attention that some readers are offended by my use of the term "rifle loony," because it means they're crazy--and the anti-gunners around the world might notice.

In a recent, published letter I tried to explain that I use the term "loony" not as short for lunatic, but affectionately and with tongue in cheek, as term for all of us excessively rifled folks.

Some people still didn't buy this. One suggested I follow the lead of the car mags and call us rifle "enthusiasts" or "devotees." The first sounds a little wimpy to me, and the second, unfortunately, has French roots, which also might offend many people these days.

Now, I am a gentle soul, and don't want to offend anybody (at least anybody who doesn't deserve it). Eileen and I paged through both the BIG Webster's and the thesaurus the other evening, and came up with a list of alternatives. Please let me know if any strike your fancy, or if loony suits you to a T:

aficionado (a good word but Jack O'Connor has prior rights)
connoisseur (French too)
fanatic (where we also got the word "fan")
habitue (unfortunately another Frenchie)
votary ("a person who is devoted to some object or pursuit")
zealot (this actually means a person with a lot of zeal)

"Rifle votary" might hit the nail on the head, meaningwise, but just doesn't have any sort of ring to it.

We also came up with a couple for gun writers. "Boffin" is a scientist or technical expert. I have some science in my educational background, but have never considered myself a technical expert, so much prefer "rhapsodist," somebody who writes with "an ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm."
That's what I want to be when I grow up, a rifle rhapsodist.

Looney works just fine for me. Guess I better order a couple more hats before the cancel culture here effects a change. Just had one blow off my head and end up in the delta and to much chop in the main channel to find it. Damn!

Never take life to seriously, after all ,no one gets out of it alive.