Looked through a ton of very old dictionaries, including Latin and Greek versions trying to find proof of what I knew to be right. I failed.

My assumptions had been a root of Lune for moon > lunatic for crazy > loon for melancholy x crazy > loony for crazy person.

What I found is general disagreement in the ranks. Scandanavian "lo" or "lomar" is the root of loon and lament. A couple specific texts say loony is rooted there as well and make the argument for its existence prior to the advent of lunatic, its claimed root.

Which brings us back to being able to use the MW definitions stated above, namely harlot or simpleton. Being correct means it is only making the language richer. Being PC has clearly the opposite effect.

As has been discussed here before, terms such as "weapon" are clearly incorrect and have very negative connotations, so shelving them is a very good thing, IMO. But correct is correct, so bring on the harlots!

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.