Growing up I was ingrained with the sacredness of voting day and what a big deal it was to vote. There was a tangible pride that accompanied the PRIVILEGE of expressing our RIGHT to vote that was obvious and understandable to men like my grandpa who served in the army in WWII or even my mom and dad born in 1940 & 1941 and having lived through the memories of WWII, Korea and Vietnam but everyone instilled in us children how important it was. I looked forward to voting day almost as much as Easter when mom would load me into the Pontiac and take me with her into the voting booth and then show me how to punch her votes onto the ticket. I’ve always taken the privilege seriously thinking about countless boys giving their final best measure on some foreign battlefield or beach so that mom and I could vote. I’ll always ALWAYS treasure those memories and while freedom and democracy isn’t lost forever it is most definitely critically endangered around here. Of those wonderful childhood memories I have of voting with mom or dad or grandma and grandpa (if I timed it right I could pull a quadruple) I was ALWAYS amazed by the speed with which the votes were “hand counted” and accurate results posted by midnight or thereafter. These unnecessary delays and unnecessary complications to the tabulation system is so blatantly intended to massage the results to their favor and steal elections.

All the things that were “sacred” growing up like your word, your wedding vows, your sex life and FAIR democratic ELECTIONS are seemingly inconsequential to a large percentage of Americans. How the hell do we fix a deep moral ulcer that drives us further and further away from being the golden mansion on a hill and more in common with every Martin Luther King jr Blvd countrywide and the neighborhoods it represents which is symbolic of the moral, spiritual and physical decay that is gripping cities through Godless liberal policies. It’s all literally and metaphorically crumbling down around us….our cities…our citizens….our infrastructure….our morality it’s is all quickly being replaced by squalor, suffering, homosexuality and antisocial behavior.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~