Re-reading SM threads air always kinda depressing.
He fooled almost everyone. Wish I could say not me, but I don't know.
Was a lurker for a long time, never focused on him. But it didn't take
long to get a bad feeling.

Always needing a handout was a big clue.

Good people don't often cry poor mouth and solicit charity.
Then there was the buying and bragging about custom guns.

DillonB sick and broke arse, he done sold his good guns.
Got an old 38 for the bedroom and slumming a POS rifle if he is able to
hunt. Long before he is begging.

And the constant religious thing?
Didn't ring true. Just not quite right.

Spiritual folks reading this.
Be very aware it is a very common and effective tool to inspire confidence.
Whether a con like SM, or just plaques on the wall of a car dealer.
A guy starts talking about God, but never asks if you are saved?

You are a mark, and he is working you.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!