Originally Posted by Triggernosis
My daughter got an intact 18 month old male Corgi that has not been neutered. We don't plan to breed it. Should we have him neutered? Pros/cons?

I seem to recall reading somewhere in the past that neutering a male dog can really mess with their emotional health. I damn sure know it would mess MINE up! 😄
Since that breed isn't valued for their impressive musculature, it's no big deal neutering one. If it were a male Boxer, or Am Staff, or something along those lines, you can expect to reduce the hardness of their physique. This is minimized a bit by waiting till they are three, but even then, they will lose some muscle weight afterwards. With a Corgi, it's not an issue.

As for personality, it will calm them down a bit, and if they are constantly trying to hump your leg or your female dogs, this issue will be reduced dramatically, although it may not disappear completely.

No other down sides that I know of.