By far, the majority are saying "yes". It seems like most are saying that based on the behavior effects with not much mention of it being done for long term health reasons?

My last lab was intact his whole 15 yrs of life. He was calm and I never saw him hump anything other than an in-heat female. Current dog (german shorthair) just turned 3 and is still intact. Very well behaved dog. He's got is own blanket that he drags around the house and rolls up in. Every so often, he rolls it up in the middle of the living room floor and goes to town with it for us all to watch.

He is a fantastic dog (one of the best I've ever had), so we are keeping him intact with the hopes of breeding him one day so we can keep one of his offspring.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan