Lost me immediately with the crushed tomatoes and then again by saying adding meat is fine, which I will explain.

You always start the onion first and add the garlic later (if minced. Using whole cloves, start simultaneously) as onions cook more slowly than garlic

You want to use WHOLE, PEELED ITALIAN PLUM TOMATOES with BASIL in juice or purée. The reason for this is that these are premium tomatoes that are the best and make the cut for the WHOLE PEELED product. Chopped, crushed or puréed tomato products use all of the rest of the tomatoes that don’t; basically scraps

Marinara Sauce doesn’t contain meat; Meat Sauce does 😁

The entire quality of the sauce depends on the quality of the tomatoes used—-Duh!

Overall, a good video. I would add Italian Parsley as well

Marinara is a quick sauce. Realize the tomatoes in the can are already “cooked” basically; cooking the chit out of it results in a dark red sauce that is dull and crappy. Keep the bright, fresh tomato flavor by minimally cooking

Meat sauces call for more cooking to extract flavor from whatever meat you’ve browned-off and added

Originally Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.