Originally Posted by LBP
Originally Posted by CRAGGAR
LBP, Faulkner put it into words better than anyone.If a person has stood where Pickett's charge began you know what he was talking about.
I’ve never been to Gettysburg but I can imagine the feeling.

You should defnitely go to Gettysburg some time in your life. It's one heckuva place to see and walk over. We did it a few years ago, and it was really moving. By all means, watch "Gettysburg" first, and it will be pretty familiar to you by the time you get there. Take one of the tour bus rides around the place, there are plenty of them in town. Go to the diorama at the Welcome Center, it's worth the visit.

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.