Originally Posted by Osky
Bee….got a nice big window in your place? Next time before discussing American politics be sure and open it wide, even if it’s cold or skeetery warm, and toss out all your God given common sense. Things will then seem more clear.

I spend a lot of time up there between Great Bear in the west and Nipigon in the east. Maaany points in between including up into the regions and Keewatin. Terrific country all in the open water season, you Canadians are fortunate

LOL, oh I completely understand Osky, I was being rhetorical.

Can you believe that both of our countries are being run by Halfwits and Morons at the same time, this is a very dangerous time for all of us living in North America. That's what you get with rigged elections!

My concern is that if we can not detect a balloon floating into our airspace, how will our governments detect incoming missiles with devastating warheads attached to them? I used to believe that we had that covered, after the balloon ordeal, I am far from convinced that we do.

You are also correct about our fishing opportunities, simply fantastic! I must admit though that your elk hunting is 1,000 times better than ours, your elk populations are massive compared to our tiny elk populations. I am so jealous! hehehe


Last edited by KillerBee; 02/09/23.