Writing as a refugee from Planet 4MOA, I can tell you that once I learned about Maximum Point Blank Range, its calculation, and its ramifications, I pretty much stopped twiddling scope knobs. Once I get the crosshairs 2 inches above Zero at 100 yards, I'm good to go out beyond 200 yards with most of my deer rifles. Last fall, I made the longest shot at a buck of my life, a whopping 200 yards.

One of the reasons Planet 4MOA evolved the way it did, is because there is no real reason for it not to. If you can go to Walmart and get your new deer rifle zeroed by the counter monkey and go out the next day and shoot a nice buck, who is going to give a rat's patoot about any of this scope falderal. Granted, it was only a 50 yard shot out of a treestand, and with a couple of beers the distance balloons to 150 yards, but a dead deer is a dead deer. Still, 50 yards was as far as a fellow could see in these cedar thickets.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer