Originally Posted by Al_Nyhus
A lot of really good 'smith's thread away from the chuck...tool.upside down and in reverse.

A tuned up clutch on the lead screw can sometimes be better than being quick on the half nut. But there's no upside to threading too close to the shoulder. Large relief grooves are worth doing for a lot of reasons. Especially if you take the time to understand how load is distributed with 60 degree threads.

It’s a great trick and I’ve done it a lot. It does load the carriage and compound differently than what they were designed for and you don’t want to take big cuts with this setup. They’ll buck. smile

I cut 1.5 pitch threads with the Feeler today in 303; the HLVH threading method is just awesome. You can thread RIGHT up to a shoulder, no stress, the machine stops on a dime, automatically, right where you tell it to. You could start the cutting pass and walk away from the lathe; it stops itself. I was going to take pictures of the controls and try to splain it better but… I didn’t. Check it out if you get chance to play with one.

I remembered to check the Feeler’s lowest speed. 139 RPM.

Last edited by Jeff_O; 03/31/23.

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