I'm sure most know this but I'll make a note of it as the discussion of powder sensitivity and getting hot in overpressuring seems to be up. Sure almost everyone knows that more sensitive powders you get out shooting prairie dogs let's say it 100°. your loads are going to be hotter and you run the risk of being overpressured with some things depending on how they were loaded at lower temperatures.
but what I've seen happen also if people don't think about leaving their ammo in the right sunlight somewhere especially like on the truck dash is a really big No-No. but what I've seen happen people don't think about they keep their ammo as cool as possible shaded in between towels or in a possibly a cooler in boxes, but then they've been shooting for a while the barrels borderline too hot but about to quit that gun and go to another quickly going to fire off another shot chamber around and then lose the shot and don't fire it. that does not open the bolt back up and eject the live round and it sits there in that very hot chambering barrel and gets way hotter than it should and that's when we go boom...