Actually my worst night was not in the woods but ice fishing. We were ice fishing all day drilling 14" of ice. About 8 in the evening we decided to call it a night load up the wheelers and head back to the trucks. We didn't make it 200 yards when the ice broke and swallowed my buddy his 4 wheeler and my brother. Fortunately he had huge tires which caused the 4 wheeler to float back up. They were able to climb out. I still had the other wheeler and it was hell trying to get it pulled back onto safe ice. After everyone was safe we got all of our gear to the closet island. Everything was soaked including matches and lighter. Fortunately we had a gas ice auger. We built a huge bonefire size pile of wood. Dumped out most of the gas on the wood and some on a rag. Pulled the wire off the plug and was able to light the rag by sparking the plug. That was a long sketchy night. Especially the way back to the trucks after we were warmed up

You've got to hand it to a blind prostitute