In the early 70's myself and a friend were hunting ducks very far back up in the marsh above the Trinity Bay head near Houston. Going in and the day before there was a very strong south wind blowing which filled the marsh and allowed us to penetrate very deeply with a conventional boat and motor, 16 ft aluminum and 20 horse in our case. About mid-morning a very strong (30+ mph wind; driving rain and later sleet) front blew in at the same time as the tide fell and the whole marsh drained. We were trapped as the boat wouldn't float enough that we could pole out. The rain eventually slaked off but the temps went down into the low 20's that night. We ended up huddled behind some tall marsh grass clumps overnight. We were dressed well but it sure wasn't fun.
Folks knew where were hunting but they were getting anxious by the time we finally got out about late afternoon the next day.