This subject is close to home, Dad drank he’s self to death at 35, One Grandpa drank he whole life, still did into 90’s, I started sneaking Coors at 8, but really only drank about 50 years, we drank beer in HS, a lot of kegs in college, we had kegs in refrigerators in our football dorm rooms. I worked hard my whole life but never drank during week, but on weekends hard, retired at young age, so allowed me to drank anytime, a 30 pack could be drank daily. I always knew I could stop anytime I wanted but just liked beer, still worked on Ranch every day, even hungover, at 61 I set down and thought about my life and told myself the truth about failed marriages, homes and cars, toys lost, strife with my sons over things. I had 8 thirty packs in man cave refrigerator’s , and said today is the day I will never take another drink for the rest of my life, called every neighbor up that would take beer and it was over Period!! I have made seven years with no regrets or thoughts of beer at all, no body has ever said anything about me be around while they drink, I still laugh and party with son’s friends, hunters here at ranch or at bars to visit other Ranchers to get local scoop, I realized what I was hooked on was moving my hand to my mouth, just a habit. I have no guilt for quitting, and I’m hangover free.