My dad was born in 1929 in St Clair Mo and grew up next to Route 66. In his day there were tents set up next the the road that sold various specialty foods to travelers. He was particularly enamored with a rib stand called "Diver Jones Ribs". As a kid he hung around there until Diver Jones (WW1 diver) showed him how to make his famous ribs. They have been a family favorite since.

The recipe called for a commercial sauce and Maull's was his favorite. The sauce was augmented with copious brown sugar, garlic salt and thinned with beer. The ribs were done over a fairly hot bed of real charcoal and flipped often. The sauce was painted on them every time they were turned. Cut to single ribs and serve. I am pretty sure the ribs are just a vehicle for the sauce. Enjoy.

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Soli Deo Gloria

democrats ARE the plague.