I have spent a lot of time on a couple reservations in the last 5-6 years. In towns, afoot, around a bunch of people and a bunch of dogs.

Rez dogs around here are usually pretty decent. They are pretty submissive because people there have zero hesitation to lash out at them whether they deserve it or not. So it is rare that the dogs pack up around the towns and get aggressive because folks there will beat a dog or kill a dog in a heartbeat.

But... But when it does happen, the packs are pretty dang dangerous.

Occasionally on the rez, an announcement is made that they is going to be a purge. They did it after the fatality on the N Cheyenne rez. Tribal folks will go out and gather up and kill every loose dog they find. Giving folks a chance to contain their dog or at least get a collar on them. Usually, a collared dog would be given a pass. Because of this, pre-purge, some of the local rescues go out and collar every dog they can get their hands on.

It is sad. But it is the culture there and you see the same thing in how they raise (and I use that term very loosely) their kids. No lines to stay in, no discipline, no responsibility.

Montana MOFO