Originally Posted by VernAK
At one time, Alaska had more folks killed by dogs that by bears.

An immigrant down the road a couple miles raised a pack of 16 Akitas that he let run wild.
While walking down the road, I was attacked by 4 of em but my 1911calmed the first two and the other two fled.
They later killed my neighbors old Golden Retriever so he and I got out our wolf snares and solved the problem.

I was on a crane barge, locked in by ice at Barrow back in the 70's, stuck there for a couple weeks. Walked into town a couple times for something to do.
I was absolutely horrified at the number of kids bearing facial scars from dog attacks. Apparently the dogs go for exposed skin...which most times is the face.
No shortages of dogs in Barrow for sure.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.