Originally Posted by Raeford
Meanwhile Wade Brown believes that 'guns' are the #1 killer of children.

And abortion doesn't even rank in the top 100.

That’s because in leftists books abortion doesn’t kill a child.

They do the same thing in the article linked in OP.

“Prior to the State Election Board’s investigation, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation looked into True the Vote’s assertion that it was able to use surveillance video and geospatial mobile device information to support its allegations. In a September 2021 letter, Vic Reynolds, who was then the GBI’s director, said the evidence produced did not amount to proof of ballot harvesting.

Aren’t there investigations that uncover evidence sufficient to warrant further investigation by those with sufficient authority to get necessary information for a conviction?

Since when is it the job of citizens to bring forth enough evidence of a crime to convict a criminal? In these cases this has been the “logic” of defenders of the most fortified election in history.

The term evidence is redefined to mean something unobtainable.

Leftists love them some semantics. Fetus is not a child, evidence isn’t evidence.