Originally Posted by jetjockey
Originally Posted by kwg020
Originally Posted by jetjockey
Good. The Roosters are finally coming home to roost. It’s not like Trump is the beacon of honest business practices. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
You are talking about James and Engoron, right ??


Pick one, and feel free to go back before them. The sad thing is Trump is a used car salesman, and his minions eat it up. He a a liar, a fake, a bamboozler. Yet his sheep never care about his lies. Hillary’s going to jail? Not only did she not go to jail, Trumps own DOJ cleared her of any wrong doing! When he stated the Bible was his favorite book, and was asked what his favorite bible passage was, he said this “ “I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal, The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.” In other words, he doesn’t have one because people that cheat on every single wife, pay off porn stars, and cheat people out of money aren’t what most people would call a follower of the Bible. The thing I’ll never be able to understand is his followers claim they love the Constitution, but when Trump pisses all over the constitution, they don’t care. When he says this “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” they don’t care.

So, as I see it, Trump is getting what he deserves, and our justice system is working. If we get rid of the justice system, or turn it into whatever the person in power wants, we will be no better than Russia, China, Cuba, and all other communist countries. But you know what, Trump would love that. You know why? Because he doesn’t believe in the Constitution, just like he doesn’t believe in the Bible. Based on these forums, it’s clear many Americans are perfectly OK with that, and would fully support Trump as a dictator.

You are originally from Washing state. You moved to Georgia, and brought your BS politics with you, sock.


The liberal mind is an endless black hole of stupidity.