So, if he did nothing wrong, and the courts are just out to get him, why the need to lie? If the media is correct, why would Allen Weisselberg need to negotiate a perjury plea with prosecutors for lies during his two days of testimony?

Also, if it’s just bad judges and prosecutors, why did a jury find Trump guilty of sexually assaulting E Jean Carroll and awarding her $5 million? Why did a totally separate jury find him guilty of defaming her and awarding her $83 million?

In Georgia, not exactly a liberal blue state, another totally separate Grand Jury recommended charges against Trump and 38 others, of which Fani Willis decided to charge 19 people. Bash Willis all you want, but in order to get to Willis, it had to go through a Grand Jury first……A Grand jury of our peers, which saw the evidence, recommended bringing charges to 39 people. That’s not liberal judges or prosecutors. That’s regular US citizens who saw the evidence! See, this is how our court system works, and while not perfect, it works pretty darn well. Eventually you have to ask yourself if ALL of these Judges, ALL of these prosecutors, and ALL of these juries are in cahoots, how in the hell did not one single person come out with the cliff notes of how all of these people were going to work together to doom Trump? Do you ever look in the mirror, at Trump's past and history, and say, “Ya, where there’s smoke there’s fire?” All these people can’t be working together in perfect harmony.