Your fascinating inside look at your Retardation,through your crossed eyes,is funnier than "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

PLEASE cite ANY/ALL particulars you take "issue" with and I'll simply rub your nose even fhuqking further,in your Mind Numbing STUPIDITY. That while you dodge all things The Rifle,because even someone as fhuqking STUPID as you,KNOWS better than to even fhuqking TRY. Hint.

Might I suggest Imaginary Pretend Ignore and mention more than a few times how you "don't care",while being enthralled with my EVERY word and Splendid Pixel. How come your pics are such piles ogf fhuqking schit. Perhaps have Kenton build you a knob for "control"? Hint. LAUGHING!

Fortunately for you Professional Victims,Imagination and Pretend are free,so even YOU Crying CLUELESS Kchunts can "afford" to "contribute",albeit only with Homoerotic Fantasies and Delusional Dumbfhuqktitude. Hint.

Bless your poor poor(literally) hearts,for trying SO hard.

P.S. and by the way,don't "forget" that Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!...........

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."