My first centerfire rifle was a Marlin 336 RC (Seriel # G5**) that my granfather won in some sort of gambling contest back in the '40's. My dad had it drilled and tapped for a scope for me when I was 14 years of age and started carrying it. I have records of having shot it around 7,000 times. In all the years and all the shooting it has accounted for an elk, numerous deer, a few coyotes, some badgers, some prairie dogs, and I've forgotten what else; but it HAS NEVER produced a group as small as 3 inches. It is typically 3 1/2 to 4 inches for only THREE SHOTS! I guess even in the open spaces of Wyoming most of my shots are within 150 yards. I wouldn't trade it for a new one but it is definately the most inaccurate rifle I've ever owned.