Originally Posted by rgrx1276
I doubt I tried to tell you whats best for you where you live/work/play, or even what is politically prudent or wtf ever. I mention what I see and use and trust. What ever you use in your small world that doesn't include what I choose to carry, good for you. Stay there, it's probably where you belong anyway.

First, rgrx, if you're serving in our military - thanks for that.

It's funny that you say my world is small...really funny. My comment, unlike yours, wasn't meant as a personal attack on you or your preferred handgun. I just stated my opinion of what you seemed to be applying as a measurement of acceptability or supremacy for all. Note that I did not say your standard was in any way inferior or dangerous - just that it doesn't apply to everyone.

You may have noticed that I like to tweak the Glockophiles around here from time to time. Doesn't mean anything to anybody, except those who take themselves and Glock's marketing strategy too seriously. If Glock (the company) wasn't spewing so much hype all the time, it wouldn't even be fun.

The fact is - as I think you more-or-less acknowledged - that the Glock is a pistol "for the masses". It is easy to train a large number of people in a limited time to use it well. It has certain features that have been determined to look good in court. It is relatively inexpensive to operate and maintain, and can be obtained at a relatively good price.

All that is why I said it makes sense for large organizations and/or third-world use. That doesn't mean I think it's a "bad" pistol or that I think anyone who uses one is making a mistake. All it means is that I don't believe basing your opinion of an object's "perfection" solely on the criteria of who uses it and where and how often is necessarily a good idea - unless you are in the same or similar situation as those you use as an example.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.