Originally Posted by magnumb
My buddy from Minn. guides over there for a few months each year (starting in March). He's done this for a few years and has offered me some very good deals to join him over there. His fee's would be waived and I would be able to hunt many of the animals on this particular property at no expense at all. But for the majors that are hunted over there, he states that the heli's are the only way his and other outfits approach such hunts. As one of the vids states, "we have 100% success rate". I suppose if that is the main focus of "hunting" the majors over there, then the heli hunts do that extremely well. Just not what a true hunt means to me nor something that I would consider. I may someday take him up on the "lesser" animals he speaks of, but those hunts involve spot and stalk.......on foot.

I have declined to hunt there, at this time, just due to the heli deal. I've explained my feelings to him and he understands. There doesn't seem to be a lack of interest by many others in doing so, however.

I've traveled Australia with my wife and would like to visit NZ as well. I expect that we'll do so within the next few years, but unless I can be assured of a hunt which is "fair chase", I'll just take in the view. It is really a beautiful country.

Now I'm sure that somebody will get all riled up and ask just what I feel "fair chase" really means, so I'll save you the attempt to make this more than you really need to. Suffice it to say that these vids do not exhibit what I would consider to be "fair chase".......IMHO.

For herd management and to reduce #'s of wolves where heli's or planes are the most reasonable, effective and efficient way to approach such reductions.......I'll all for it. But to pay to have a motorized vehicle of any kind locate, round-up, tire-out, and than place you in the most advantageous position for a shot at said animal.........the entire heli involvement seems to be lacking any and all of what many likely would consider to be fair chase attributes or criteria, at least for me they do.


Sounds like you have an good idea what the term "ethics" means.
Your "buddy" however is a piece of scum. Personally I would call him an "acquaintance" because every one has at least one acquaintance that they wish would just disappear. If they are always getting 100% "success" rate, then the best you can call what they are doing is "harvesting" not hunting.