Hi All !<P>Just thought I'd weigh in here...<P>I train and compete with German Shorthairs(Field Trials) and therefore have Tennessee Walking horses(2 one for me.. one for my wife). <P>To condition my dogs we do something called roading.. in that we put the dogs in a harness and then let them pull against the horse or 4-wheeler.<P>Given the above you can tell I have both.. though my 4-Wheeler is a very basic model(Polaris Trail Blazer 250) that I bought primarily to condition my dogs(called too lazy to saddle a horse up... plus I can road ALL my dogs at once on the 4-wheeler)<P>I have always cussed them damn 4-wheelers when I'm hunting on horseback.. I don't care which brand type whatever you ride.. then make WAY more NOISE than a horse does.. Anyway.. my biggest complaint is with people that don't obey the LAW.. and think that because their machine can go anywhere they have a right to...<P>Ok.. that's off my chest... I understand that a few bad apples can really spoil things for those of us that obey the law.. I see alot of the trouble due to lack of clear understanding of the law... Here in NM it is for example AGAINST the law to drive a 4-wheeler off any road on:<P>BLM Land<BR>State Land<BR>National Forest Land<P>Unless.. you have a downed animal. This is the same for a vehicle. Horses on the other hand are not so limited for obvious reason IMO .. they simply do FAR less damage to habitat...<P>So, I hunt big game on horseback.. nothing could be better IMO.. not only that but if you have a really good horse.. he could save your life if you become disoriented.. as I have .. you think your GPS is reliable? you should see my horse find camp :-) he's a terrific animal.<P><BR>Anyway, I hope this forum goes well. .I look forward to discussion about both horses and ATV's....<BR><P>------------------<BR>--Steve
