
To my eyes there is no difference between the terminal effect of the 6.5 140 VLD and the 7MM 168 or 180 VLD.

The only bull I ever killed or have on video beyond 1100yds was shot with the 6.5 140 VLD and the bullet worked extremly well.

I rebarreled my 7MM to a 264 this year because I think I shoot the 264 a little better.

I would not choose the VLD bullet if you want to be able to consistantly shoot through trees on the way to the animal. I would suggest picking the shot and missing the trees.

I do know that if you were to look at the bullets in the M4s of many of our Tier 1 units overseas you would find mono HPs that were made in Utah. These bullets have proven to be slightly better at defeating car windshields and bodys. Not much but a little better.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.