Stick, I'm absolutely bushed tonight -- don't have the capacities right in front of me and don't feel like struggling to my feet and staggering over to the shelves. So I'm going to give you a couple of figures from the top of my bald ol' noggin.
<br>As I recall, the overflow capacities of the .220 Swift and the .220 Howell are 47 and 62 grains of water.
<br>To be absolutely honest with you, Pard, I simply can not see why anyone has any difficulty understanding all this. You're not unique in being puzzled, so I'll keep trying to make it clear to you. Keep asking. I don't expect to ALWAYS be as shot as I am tonight. (Still haven't done even the first of my three half-hours on the exercise bike, either!)

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.