Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley

I actually can't recall just what vise you pack along. Tho' I thought Ms. T mentioned using the Traveler? But since I'm now looking, what do you know of the Peak vises?

Realistically, I'd check the bag anyway, not wanting to run afoul of some misinformed (misanthropic?) TSA agent that wanted to confiscate hooks,scissors and/or thread (yes, there are horror stories out there). So there's no need to go light. And my used Renzetti Presentation breaks down with a single allen wrench...


AFF bought a bunch of Peaks for tying clinics a long year ago. They are very good working vises... not particularly elegant, but workmanlike. They were also the only vise manufacturer in the range we were looking for that bothered to communicate with us about a price break. I wonder how that will play when we do the new pattern book and have to do a bunch of photographs of flies... wink

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.