Lets see, Mail Bouy watch, International Date Line watch, and several more. Then there is the infamous BT punch. Sending a new Fireman down to the Boiler Room to get one.. Of course the Sea Bat drill. Bunch of folks on the fantail looking at a mop bucket turned upside down carefuly picking up one corner and looking. An Annoucement would be made that a "rare Sea Bat" had been captured on the fantail and any interested personell should report to the fantail and look. Of course when a newbie did getting down on their knees for a good look as the edge of the mop bucket was lifted some else would hit them in the A** with a wet mop knocking them A** over tea kettle. The crossing the line was a whole day affair with King Neptune, the Royal Baby, and several others just to make the Wogs feel at home. The "Truth Serum" was a very special blend...