Traditions vary, I'm from Pioneer stock and we have our own tradition... you can marry in the family church, on the property, in a favorite outdoor setting, even the JP. Then the reception is at one of the main Haciendas with family supplied eats, drinks and entertainment. Been that way long before I was born.

Now when my daughter married, the in-laws from Chicago/Puerto Rico demanded their tradition... Big Catholic wedding, the Marriott ball room for 150 of their relatives, caterers, limousines... blah/blah...

Of course our tradition was dismissed as barbaric...

They got their tradition and payed for it themselves... if they are going to ramrod the wedding like no one else matters they can shell out the dough. Mostly my SIL payed for it. Our main issue was the reception accomodations, as we are setup for hundreds of people at a family venue.

I gave my daughter some cash, bought a Side by side refrigerator and washer/dryer for their new house.

The appliances are going strong after 8 years and both of them wish they had the 15,000 back they spent for one day... the other parents spent 20,000 on their daughters wedding and rubbed it in my face... until she divorced the idiot 8 months later and we now all laugh about the situations... They've since started coming to all our family get togethers and comment on how great the food and relaxing the socializing is.
