What I got from Evan's post is that it is often the case that a certain "brand name" is THE ONLY way to fly for some often quite inexperienced folks, who are trying to BE what they really are not and probably will never become.

The "groupie" aspect of gear discussions can be a royal PITA and, especially, when some young novice decides to tell everyone what they MUST own and use. It amuses me, but, it can be annoying, as well.

The other point is, as he stated, people can have a terrific time in the outdoors with pretty crappy gear, this is MUCH easier when you are 15-25 than when you are 60+.....BUT, GEAR is NOT the major issue, getting out and enjoying it is.

It is a relief,to me,to read a gear maker actually post in this manner as all too many of them continually make excessive claims for their products and refuse to acknowledge that others may also create fine gear....and, individual needs and uses are very different, given the size and other factors of just North America.

I am also eager to see the up-coming HPG pack,I am inclined to expect one fine pack and one that many can use longterm with total satisfaction.