Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
The Ute is probably not what I'd buy for meat hauling. Something with a drybag is what I'd prefer.

I think it is and it will work out great. A good comparison for the UTE would be the MR Big Horn. Many on here have hauled out whole deer and heavy loads in a MR Big Horn. The UTE is 3500 ci and 5 pounds, the MR is 3000 ci and almost 6 pounds. Both cost about the same and are made in the USA. The UTE has a stiffer frame, should have a much better waist belt and more comfortable shoulder harness(last two are opinions).

I also question Evan's load rating of 60 pounds or is that just a comfort recommendation? From what I have seen as far as materials and design it should be good for much more than that. I will be using it from day hunts up to 3 days hunts or more, I will let everyone know how it works out. A Highlander full of your gear, plus a stuff sack and other gear on the outside as the main compartment should handle a full boned out deer.