I was just carrying my NICE Gen.I, purchased in 2005 or 2006, can't recall, probably the latter as I got my BCSB and Deluxe MRs in 2005 and my two Kifarus the same year and I had 75 lbs, in it in perfect comfort. I have packed 90-100 lbs, in it, with the 6500 bag, this was with my Wolf Alpha, as I also have the NICE OK with my 6500 on it.

Now, these are not huge weights, but, I am 66+ years old and I can push the NICE to 100+, but, my orthopaedic guy goes freakin' zoned as my right leg is close to done. So, that, to me, says a LOT about these packs and I have an actual reverence for Dana's packs and the simply superb customer service his folks provide.

I may get a full-on McHale as I have some treks in mind now that my lady is mobile again and I can leave home without worrying that she will be immobile. To me, McHale is THE "sine qua non"of packs, but, many cannot afford the cost and there are LOTS of workable alternatives for far less $$$$$.

I would, again, stress the availability of the Dana externals and now Hill People is making some goodies to spruce these up. I would have KILLED for one of these in my younger days, for packing huge loads to my isolated BCFS Lookouts.

For a beginner, it can really pay off in advancing your learning curve to buy some used packs, try them and see what works best for YOU, as we are all different in our fitting and also our actual uses. JMHO.