We had a Beagle name Betsy when I was a kid and we kept her milk bones in a coffee can. We had a lake lot on an area lake and used to spend evenings out there in the summer picnicking. One evening I caught a big crawdad, probably 7-8 inches long, well being a kid I wanted to keep it as pet. The only container I could find to put the crawdad in was a coffee can similar to Betsy�s milk bone can. Poor Betsy wondered over to the can and stuck her snout in to snatch a milk bone, next we heard was her yelp, saw her leap back with the crawdad latched onto her nose and her back peddling out of there. Don�t remember if the crawdad got away or we let it go, but I know I could never get Betsy to take a milk bone out of the can on her own, you had to give it to her, she wouldn�t even look in the can.

Current dawg is a black lab named Katy, she is 2 years old and she is an angel, never eats anything she is not supposed to, well if you don�t count the 6 remotes, the walls in the laundry room, every tennis ball she can find, meat right off the grill at the deer lease, hamburger patties right out of the frying pan, raw bacon off the counter, all my shoes, boots, socks, towels, the hole she ate in the mattress, a catfish head she found on the lake shore, several other dead fish parts, dead birds, dead stuff in general, but otherwise no problems, she is an angel!