Originally Posted by ranger1
So what you're saying is that an individual teacher, dept. head, or possibly the administration/board, in your district has decided that they will only allow students to do math in a certain way? I remember my dad teaching me a certain way to do math problems 30 years ago and having to learn another way in school because that wasn't how the teacher wanted it done. CC does not dictate that students will do a math problem in only one way or that other ways are wrong. It encourages students to look at multiple angles of approach to solving problems. It's far from a perfect system, and I'm not here to say that it doesn't have it's share of problems, but the rabid opposition to it seems more partisan than reality driven.

It encourages multiple angles, sure. Under their terms.

It discourages the kids from utilizing methods they feel comfortable with in lieu of having them learn the angle they are teaching and testing and subsequently evaluated on. In that respect, it does dictate the methods.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. Sure the kids should know more than one, but when it comes down to getting it right, let the kid skin it the way they are most comfortable.

I pointed this out before on another thread. Given an algebraic problem with variables, students were instructed to solve the problem. Emphasis was on substitute the values and do the math.

My daughter reduced the equation to simplest form, then substituted. She was not told she was ultimately correct and that that process will be taught later. She was marked wrong, and garnered her first "C".

I wish you could have been there to tell her that Dad was made because �bama was in office.