Originally Posted by safariman

You are spot on about my being dead as soon as my pills run out, if not sooner. Thusly, I need to concentrate upon what I need to get through only a short period of crisis. Even if I get a Kidney Transplant soon, which is a best possible outcome for me save a divine healing (which I still believe can happen) I will be on some very strong anti rejection medicines. My lifespan once those are out, whether my pre transplant meds now being taken or my post transplant meds, is measured in days.

Many of us though, including myself, are trying to prepare for the more likely scenarios (and more survivable) of short term crisis caused by natural disasters or unfortunate political events which cause some amount of rioting and looting. Maybe as a last resort a certain suicide mission against the capitol if a leader did not step down at the end of his or her term etc.

I have 'some' long term storage food and a year 'round creek. The water from which would not be hard to make palatable and safe. This with my generators and stored supplies should get us through short term crisis, if one strikes.

If some basic preparation like I am doing will not get us through, not sure surviving is the best option.

Lastly, even if the need for such battle rifles is a very low chance scenario - as I believe it is - it is FUN to have a discussion about the best possible preparation in terms of a firearm and ammo etc.

I am no Zombie hunter or extreme prepper by any stretch. But it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the scenario's that CAN be survived and made more comfortable which can be prepared for.

Not much any of us can do to prepare against a nuclear attack etc. or even an armored all out invasion. But there are things that we can do for problems that come upon us which are short of that. This is where we find, in my opinion, the disscussions of reasonable men.

I don't know what meds you're on causing you to state stuff like that highlighted part in public, on an open forum, or what meds you ought to be on to prevent you from doing so, but you really ought to THINK more before you type.

The discussions of reasonable men would start with figuring out how to take care of hearth and home FIRST, especially with your well stated financial problems, and worry about acquiring more firearms LAST.

Weren't you, in fact, just very recently complaining of being so broke you couldn't pay attention and being forced to sell things off just to pay bills? And now you're contemplating BUYING TWO new rifles?

Last edited by 4ager; 12/03/14.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.