As is the case with so many big buck encounters, the big ones sometimes live charmed lives. This buck had it all. His G2s and G3s were easily 15" and possibly 17" each. His G4s were the weakest part at around 5-6". The left brow was around 8" and the right was possibly broken at 5". Main beams wrapped.

This picture was opening morning of rifle season at around 300 yards. Unfortunately 250 of those yards were on the other side of the fence we didn't have permission to hunt on. Saw this buck 2 times and to my knowledge he was never taken. How big would he go score wise I don't know, but I think he was only 5 or 6 in this picture.

I always remember him when I am training and need motivation, not that plains hunting takes conditioning, he just fires me up.

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We've taken bucks some nice bucks along the way, but it is always the ones that got away that seem to stick with me and I mean that in a good way. Always makes watching the sunrise fill me with thoughts about what could come popping over the hill.